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DnDWiki:Saga of the Dragon Cult. DnDWiki:Scourge of the Howling Horde. DnDWiki:The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde. Publication:Spell Treasury. DnDWiki:The Thief Lord's Vault. DnDWiki:Tome of Horrors III. Retrieved from '

Jackson Haime, for Screen Rant, compared the amount of rulebooks released for the 3rd/3.5 editions to the amount for 5th edition and wrote, 'Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition has been released for almost as long as 3 and 3.5 now, and only has 3 core rulebooks and 4 supplemental books in the style of 3.5'. Every D&D guide sourcebook you'll ever need. This guide will take you from start to finish, with the most crucial books near the beginning, and more supplementary materials coming toward the end. We've numbered them in terms of importance, with the core books listed at the start. Dungeons & Dragons D&D 5E 5th Ed - Player's Handbook - Color 150dpi OCR ToC.pdf. Dungeons and Dragons 5e, D&D - Save them to a spellbook or print them as spell cards.

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D%26d 5e Books

AarakocraM25/50FAarakocra, Auran+2+1EE 4
AasimarM30Celestial+1+260 ft.DMG 286
AasimarProtectorM30Celestial+1+260 ft.VGtM 105
AasimarScourgeM30Celestial+1+260 ft.VGtM 105
AasimarFallenM30Celestial+1+260 ft.VGtM 105
CentaurM40Sylvan+2+1GGtR 15
DragonbornM30Draconic+2+1PHB 32
DwarfHill DwarfM25Dwarvish+2+160 ft.PHB 20
DwarfMountain DwarfM25Dwarvish+2+260 ft.PHB 20
DwarfDuergarM25Dwarvish+1+260 ft.SCG 104
DwarfDuergarM25Dwarvish+1+2120 ft.MToF 81
ElfDrowM30Elvish+2+1120 ft.PHB 24
ElfEladrinM30Elvish+2+160 ft.MToF 62
ElfEladrinM30Elvish+2+160 ft.DMG 286
ElfHigh ElfM30Elvish+2+160 ft.PHB 23
ElfSeaM30Elvish+2+160 ft.MToF 62
ElfShadar-KaiM30Elvish+2+160 ft.MToF 63
ElfWood ElfM35Elvish+2+160 ft.PHB 24
FirbolgM30Elvish, Giant+1+2VGtM 107
GenasiAir GenasiM30Primordial+1+2EE 9
GenasiEarth GenasiM30Primordial+1+2EE 9
GenasiFire GenasiM30Primordial+2+160 ft.EE 9
GenasiWater GenasiM30/30SPrimordial+2+1EE 10
GnomeDeep GnomeS25Gnomish, Undercommon+1+2120 ft.EE 5, MToF 114
GnomeForest GnomeS25Gnomish+1+260 ft.PHB 37
GnomeRock GnomeS25Gnomish+1+260 ft.PHB 37
GoliathM30Giant+2+1EE 10
HalflingLightfoot HalflingS25Halfling+2+1PHB 28
HalflingStout HalflingS25Halfling+2+1PHB 28
HalflingGhostwise HalflingS25Halfling+2+1SCG 110
Half-ElfM30Elvish+2+1 x260 ft.PHB 38
Half-OrcM30Orcish+2+160 ft.PHB 40
HumanM30+1 Any+1+1+1+1+1+1PHB 29
HumanVariantM30+1 Any+1 x2PHB 31
KenkuM30Auran+2+1VGtM 111
LizardfolkM30/30SDraconic+2+1VGtM 111
TabaxiM30/20C+1 Any+2+160 ft.VGtM 113
TieflingM30Infernal+1+260 ft.PHB 42
TieflingVariantM30Infernal+2+160 ft.SCG 118
TieflingFiernaM30Infernal+1+260 ft.MToF 21
TieflingDispater, GlasyaM30Infernal+1+260 ft.MToF 21-22
TieflingLevistusM30Infernal+1+260 ft.MToF 22
TieflingZarielM30Infernal+1+260 ft.MToF 22
TritonM30/30SPrimordial+1+1+1VGtM 117
WarforgedM30+1 Any+1+1UA:Eberron
ShifterBeasthideM30Sylvan+1+160 ft.UA:Eberron
ShifterCliffwalkM30Sylvan+260 ft.UA:Eberron
ShifterLongstrideM30Sylvan+260 ft.UA:Eberron
ShifterLongtoothM30Sylvan+1+160 ft.UA:Eberron
ShifterRazorclawM30Sylvan+260 ft.UA:Eberron
ShifterWildhuntM30Sylvan+1+160 ft.UA:Eberron
ChangelingM30+2 Any+1+1UA:Eberron
MinotaurM30Minotaur+2+1GGtR 19
BugbearMonstrousM30Goblin+2+160 ft.VGtM 119
GoblinMonstrousS30Goblin+2+160 ft.VGtM 119
Goblin (Ravnica)S30Goblin+2+160 ft.GGtR 17
HobgoblinMonstrousM30Goblin+2+160 ft.VGtM 119
KoboldMonstrousS30Draconic-2+260 ft.VGtM 119
LoxodonM30Loxodon+2+1GGtR 17
Yuan-TiMonstrousM30Abyssal, Draconic+1+260 ft.VGtM 120
OrcMonstrousM30Orc+2+1-260 ft.VGtM 120
MerfolkEmira (Wind)M30/30SMerfolk, +1 Any+2+1PS:Zendikar
MerfolkUla (Water)M30/30SMerfolk, +1 Any+2+1PS:Zendikar
MerfolkCosi (Trickster)M30/30SMerfolk, +1 Any+1+2PS:Zendikar
VampireM30Vampire+1+260 ft.PS:Zendikar
GoblinGrotagS25Goblin+260 ft.PS:Zendikar
GoblinLavastepS25Goblin+260 ft.PS:Zendikar
GoblinS25Goblin+260 ft.PS:Zendikar
ElfTajuruM30Elvish+2+160 ft.PS:Zendikar
ElfMul DayaM30Elvish+1+2120 ft.PS:Zendikar
ElfJoragaM35Elvish+1+260 ft.PS:Zendikar
AetherbornM30+2 Any+2+1 x260 ft.PS:Kaladesh
DwarfM25Dwarvish+2+160 ft.PS:Kaladesh
GithGithyankiM30Gith+2+1MToF 96
GithGithzeraiM30Gith+1+2MToF 96
ElfEladrin (Charisma)M30Elvish+2+160 ft.UA:EG
ElfEladrin (Intelligence)M30Elvish+2+160 ft.UA:EG
Simic HybridM30Elvish or Vedalken+2+160 ft.GGtR 20
VedalkenM30Vedalken+2+1GGtR 21
SatyrM35Sylvan+1+2MOT 24
LeoninM35Leonin+1+260 ft.MOT 20

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